San Francisco, CA

Rootly supercharges their communications

Key results
69% increase meetings scheduled
130% increase emails delivered
640% increase in linkedin prospects contacted

TLDR: Rootly was growing fast and their existing sales platform was not working for them. Their sales team was executing well but needed a way to amplify it further. In their search for a new platform, they found Outreach – “sometimes going with the top brand is worth it”. Through thorough, dedicated implementation, Rootly’s support team graduated to first class, responding quickly and confidently with the right insights and solutions. Rootly’s Founding AE noted that this implementation and continued use of the Outreach platform felt like a real partnership - especially when Outreach reps conducted a workflow analysis to identify weak spots and position Rootly’s team for success.

As a result of their Outreach implementation, Rootly is currently enjoying:

  • 41% increase prospects contacted
  • 69% increase meetings scheduled
  • 130% increase emails delivered
  • 640% increase in LinkedIn prospects contacted

Creating measurable results with the right data and support

Rootly is a fast-growing incident management platform, supporting a range of organizations, big and small. Rootly’s platform automates incidents for their customers to help them resolve issues faster and improve customer satisfaction. 

JP Cheung, a founding AE and now Business Development Leader, has the challenge of selling globally to a wide range of customers. “How do we reach enough people fast enough? How do we do that so we’re not overloading the team?” – these are the questions that keep JP up at night. 

But this is what gives him peace: “Outreach has been a true partnership.” Taking advantage of a workflow analysis session with one of Outreach’s sales leaders helped JP evaluate how best to set his team up for success. After reviewing the workflows, JP determined his team needed to streamline the sequences in play. Outreach analytics indicated what was working and what wasn’t, so JP and the Rootly team could effectively cut extraneous sequences that weren’t resonating with their audience. “Early on we didn’t take advantage of the metrics and reporting that Outreach provides. Understanding the metrics and support has been crucial to our success,” says JP.

With this newfound shift, the Rootly team saw incredible results quickly. At the top of the funnel they’re seeing 41% increase in prospects being contacted, including a 130% increase in emails being delivered. Efficiencies really helped at the bottom of the funnel with a 69% increase in meetings scheduled. 

“As a manager, one of your biggest roles is removing obstacles for your team,” advises JP. “The team has seen real results with Outreach and they’re really happy with the system.” 

JP is thrilled with these results and credits the partnership with Outreach for the success: “The support I receive is a game changer with Outreach. I click the chat button and get responses quickly, and the team is amazing. We have a solution to any issues typically within an hour, whereas with our previous solution we were waiting 48 hours for a response.” In the incident response industry, speed to market is huge and that difference in response time can mean landing the meeting or not. “For us to be as successful as possible, we have to have a tool that we can rely on, and a big part of that is support.”

“We were using a different sales software but we found the manual steps involved were bogging our team's time down. The functionality, support, and integrations with Outreach were far more established than the system we were using. Sometimes going with the top brand is worth it.

“I sleep better with Outreach, knowing that I have the support I need for our team to succeed. It’s a true partnership with Outreach, something I haven’t seen from other solutions.”


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