Our Values

We unleash the world's selling potential

In early 2014, our founders found themselves short on cash and in dire need of hitting our sales goal for the company to survive. To achieve an unlikely outcome, they built themselves software to equip 3 salespeople to sell like 20. Outreach was born. From that moment we've understood how technology can change the game for revenue teams. It's what led us to believe in the power of salespeople to drive innovation. Today, we’re a team determined to unlock the fullest potential of salespeople around the world.

coworkers casually chatting outside, sitting and standing
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woman sitting on a couch in her apartment working on her laptop


To unleash the world's selling potential


We empower every sales professional to operate at their maximum potential unlocking success for themselves and their organization.


We empower ourselves, one another, and our
customers through these core values:

We are hungry craftspeople who play full out. We operate at the edge of our abilities with high energy, grit, curiosity, and enthusiasm. We celebrate our wins and learn from our losses, constantly elevating our craft and inspiring others to do the same.

Our mindset of abundance empowers us to see infinite possibilities in the hardest of challenges. Like a CEO, we own our destiny and focus on the parts we can control. We believe in our purpose and execute on our mission with perpetual optimism, passion, and rigor.

We like to win but not at all costs. We know when to say no. We are courageously candid and value truth over looking good, keeping the peace, or short-term gain. We have each others’ back by delivering on promises, not by covering up failures. When we lose, we do so quickly and with grace.

We elevate our customers by improving the lives of sales professionals and helping their companies solve their biggest business challenges. Every decision, project, investment, and action is viewed through the lens of adding mutual value to our business and to our collective customer experience.

Our high-performance culture thrives on culture adds, not culture fits. We show up as our authentic selves and use our unique superpowers to rally the culture in service of our mission. We know that our collective strength -- and the strength of the sales profession we serve -- lies in including, celebrating, and leveraging diverse experiences and perspectives.