How an enterprise AE manages her book of business in Outreach

Posted March 22, 2024

Meet Grace Presnick, an enterprise account executive at Outreach. As a seller who manages new business and current customers, Grace relies on Outreach from the moment her day begins until her follow-ups are all wrapped up in the afternoon. Let’s dive into some of her key strategies and tips.

Grace’s routine starts with a review of her opportunities. By examining her pipeline, she updates next steps and strategies, collaborating with her manager when necessary. Directly from Outreach, she creates tasks and schedule meetings, which makes it easy to keep focus and drive her deals forward.

Territory management is another crucial aspect of Grace’s role. By using Outreach, she can easily view her book of business and identify which customers or prospects haven’t been contacted recently. 

When it comes to building new pipeline and prospecting, Grace closely collaborates and coaches her SDR teammates. She’ll identify accounts that might require a different approach to book a meeting, then strategize on tactics together.

Grace also highlights the importance of Kaia, our AI-powered virtual assistant that helps her manage call recordings. She uses these recordings to prep for meetings, follow up with buyers, and share internal updates with her manager.

Next up: the Outreach inbox, AKA her command center. This is where she manages introductions, follows up on leads, and sets reminders to keep track of important communications. With Outreach, she feels equipped with a personal assistant, even as an individual contributor.

There's more to explore

Outreach helps AEs like Grace organize their book of business, advance more deals to the next stage, and sell with confidence. Request a meeting to learn more about what Outreach can do for your team. 


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