How Outreach makes your inbox work for you

Posted March 18, 2024

Almost every AE I talk to lives in their inbox. It’s where they schedule meetings, send follow-ups and next steps, and engage with key decision-makers. It’s also how they stay organized throughout the day. 

Managing and maintaining your inbox can sometimes feel like a full-time job. Even the best AEs struggle to send timely follow-ups after meetings, manually bump emails when prospects don’t respond, and exchange back-and-forth emails to schedule meetings across multiple time zones. That time adds up: 

Outreach’s Gmail and Outlook integrations bring a new level of automation, time savings, and organization to your daily workflows — without having to leave your inbox. The impact: More time in the day to spend on the tasks that actually matter and a streamlined experience for the buyer. 

Here’s how top reps maximize their inbox productivity with Outreach and how you can, too. 

Use generative AI to reply to buyers in a minute. (or less)
5 ways Outreach makes your inbox work for you
Automate your follow-up to prospects who go cold. (and never forget a follow-up again)
Keep deal momentum with automated email bumps. (just checking in)
Reach buyers with greater speed and accuracy. (thank you, templates & snippets)
Book meetings with a single email. (instead, of, like, eight)
Use generative AI to reply to buyers in a minute. (or less)
5 ways Outreach makes your inbox work for you

1. Automate your follow-up to prospects who go cold and never forget a follow-up again 

As a seller, you’re responsible for following up with prospects who go cold. To keep track, the reps I work with might set a calendar reminder each time, which becomes cluttered, or make a mental note.  Despite your best efforts, prospects can still fall through the cracks. 

That’s where a follow-up sequence comes in. After drafting an email to a prospect, schedule an automated follow-up sequence directly from your inbox to ensure your email threads stay active. When a prospect replies by the scheduled date, Outreach will remove them from the sequence. If they don’t reply, Outreach will automatically send a reply to your original thread, bumping the message to the top of your inbox.

2. Keep deal momentum with automated email bumps 

If you don’t want to use a follow-up sequence and would rather get a reminder when a prospect hasn’t responded, you can have Outreach automatically create a task or bump an email to the top of your inbox.

3. Reach buyers with greater speed and accuracy

Writing the perfect email shouldn't slow you down.  Outreach templates and snippets provide pre-written content that you can easily insert into emails in just two clicks. Instead of spending precious time composing the same message over and over again, you can focus on personalizing the email before sending it to a prospect. 

Using templates and snippets also enhances brand credibility and trustworthiness by ensuring you send accurate content. The risk of sending outdated pricing models, marketing whitepapers, and competitive intelligence is eliminated. You now have the most accurate and up-to-date content right in your inbox.

4. Use generative AI to reply to buyers in under a minute

Almost every AE starts their day with a laundry list of follow-ups and unread emails. Writing the perfect response from scratch can be an arduous and time-consuming task that takes hours out of your day. 

Smart Email Assist brings the power of Generative AI to your inbox and allows you to write and send an email response in four clicks. When responding to an email, select Assist. Several options for email responses are automatically generated, taking previous emails between the prospect and sender into account. You can then review the message, make changes, and hit send.

If you’re looking for a specific tone or desired email length, you can specify those preferences when generating the email and even provide specific context, and direction, or include information from Content Cards, for example, that add valuable information on specific features or case studies.

5. Book meetings with one email, not eight

Outreach data shows it can take as many as eight emails to schedule a meeting with a prospect. With Outreach Meetings, you can eliminate endless email exchanges, create more booked meetings, and accelerate deal velocity. 

  • Propose specific meeting times to buyers so they don’t accidentally book over your 8am prep time
  • Book different meeting types with custom durations, pre-populated conference links, and meeting details
  • Insert a team member’s calendar availability or book a meeting on their behalf
  • Offer quick re-booking options when originally proposed times are no longer available

When a prospect selects their preferred meeting time, a meeting invite is automatically generated on behalf of the preferred Meeting Host and sent to all invitees. 

The best part: You don’t have to log any of this in your CRM manually. Outreach does it for you. Whether it’s an email, call, or meeting —  Outreach ensures it’s automatically recorded in your CRM. 

From faster follow-ups to better prospect management, the Outreach Everywhere extension does it all, every time.

Ready to bring Outreach into your inbox?

Start by installing the Outreach Everywhere Chrome extension. Once complete, Gmail users can immediately begin using Outreach in their inbox when logged into Outreach. For Outlook users, you will also need to install the Outreach Sales Engagement Add-in.


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