Snip, snip, hooray! Announcing send later, snippets, and inbox bump for outlook

Posted February 14, 2018

We’re on a mission to bring the same delightful Outreach experience you have in our app into your inbox -- after all, the average salesperson spends half their day in their inbox. Today, we’re excited to announce two new features that will increase productivity and organization when sending emails from your Outlook inbox: Send Later, Snippets and Inbox Bump!

Send Later for Outlook

Do you get most of your work done late at night or early in the morning? Ever find yourself catching up on your emails over the weekend when you finally have a moment to breathe? No one wants to see a demo follow up email come through when they’re putting their kids or bed in the evening or watching football on a Sunday afternoon!

We have a solution to keep you productive at your peak hours (or whenever you happen to be working outside of the usual 9-5) while ensuring your prospect receives their email at the optimal time: Send Later for Outlook.

Now, when you send emails from Outlook using the Outreach add-in, you will be able to schedule the message to send at a later time. You can choose from preset options (tomorrow morning, one week from now, etc.) or pick a custom time. When you schedule the message to send, it will sit in your Outreach outbox until it's ready to be sent. If you need to make any changes to the message or reschedule it for a different time, you can do so from your Outreach Outbox.

When using Send Later with Outlook, be sure to select "Send with Outreach" to schedule the message.

With Send Later, you can rest assured that your message will hit your recipient’s inbox at just the right time, regardless of when you hit send.

Snippets for Outlook

You know what can really slow down your day? Wasting energy typing the same answers to the same questions over and over. Or switching back and forth from your current task to copy and paste pre-existing email templates for for the millionth time. That’s why we built Snippets.

Snippets allow you to drop smaller bits of texts, links, or paragraphs into emails to answer frequently asked questions -- with just one click. And now you can access them right from your Outlook inbox.

No more complicated copy-and-paste email macros that you basically need a computer science degree to understand. Your inbox just got a lot more efficient!

For more info, including a full tutorial on using Snippets in Outlook, check out our support documentation.

Inbox Bump

Does your to-do list of email follow ups look like this?

If you’re using Gmail, that’s on you (you’ve had plenty of time to experience the joys of Inbox Bump). But Outlook users, rejoice, because there is finally a better way than the “post-it note mosaic” cluttering your desk, or the 500 to-do reminders cluttering your calendar!

Inbox bump allows you to bump emails back to the top of your inbox, based on certain conditions, so you never miss a follow up. Pro tip: this is a great quick alternative to a full follow up sequence.

With Inbox Bump, you can set the email to resurface to the top of your inbox if you don’t receive a reply in a certain amount of time. You can also schedule a bump back to the top of your inbox within a certain time frame, no matter what - whether or not you get a reply. When the conditions are met, Outreach will bring the email back to the top of your inbox so you remember to follow-up.

You can learn more about how to use Inbox Bump on our support page.

We’re excited to continue innovating to make the time you spend in your inbox as productive and enjoyable as the time you spend selling in Outreach. Inbox Bump and Snippets are just another step in our journey to get you there! To be the first to know about new releases for Outlook (and to provide feedback that enables us to improve your Outreach experience), join our Outlook beta program.


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