3 workflows to prepare your sales team for the holidays

Posted November 15, 2023

The dreaded out-of-office auto-responder comes for us all. It's time for you and your buyers to take some well-earned time off for the holidays. So, how do you prepare and maintain sales momentum through the end of the year?

We've got you covered. Check out our best tips and workflows that admins and sales leaders can implement before the holiday season to ensure ongoing success.

1. Check your pipeline and target opportunities to close this quarter

With the year coming to a close and a new quarter approaching, it’s a great time to review your team’s current pipeline and ensure they have enough coverage going into 2024. Partner with your reps to focus on their key deals using opportunity views and Deal Health to surface the insights they need to close the deal.

2. Re-assign sequence steps to available teammates

Now that you know where your team should remain focused as they close out the year, you’ll want to ensure prospects stay engaged, even if a rep is away. Stay connected with prospects by re-assigning sequence steps to others on your team or managing prospecting activity on their behalf.

3. Set up holiday schedules to connect with prospects at optimal times

While your team is taking time off this holiday season, so are your buyers! While staying connected with prospects over the holidays is important, ensuring emails hit inboxes when sellers are online requires some strategy. Work with your Outreach admin to set up holiday schedules to ensure your emails reach a buyer's inbox at the right time.

Q4 can be a clunky time for any sales team, and the holidays deserve to be enjoyed. OOO is inevitable, so use these tips to maintain momentum towards Q1.


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