5 ways to increase win rates with Outreach

Posted November 14, 2023

At Outreach, I collaborate with top-performing organizations who are laser-focused on solving today’s core challenges: generating robust pipelines, mitigating churn and contraction, and increasing win rate. When digging deeper with customers on solutions, almost all of them grapple with the same questions about how to turn strategy into action:


What are we doing right? Are you doing high-value activities that are generating results?


How do we scale? How do we get to where we need to be?


What are our competitors doing? Where and how are they winning, and why?


What should I measure? What metrics matter to help move the needle?

…all of which essentially ask the same thing: How do we win?

If you’re like my customers, win rate is a golden metric in your organization. Here are the six ways I help customers use Outreach to increase win rates.

Using persona sequences to book more meetings

Gone are the days of the “spray and pray” prospecting approach. Today’s buyers demand a high level of precision when it comes to messaging, and your team requires efficiencies that help them target their most qualified leads. To achieve this balance, I always point customers to personas and master sequences.

Identifying personas in Outreach enables reps to target the most qualified leads and improves prospecting efficiency across all teams. Take it one step further by building master sequences for each persona, tailoring the message to address their specific needs for personalization at scale. I recommend starting with master sequences before moving on to more specific sequence development. 

Implement workflows to improve win rates in your most important accounts

Now that you’ve identified your target personas, it’s time to execute through an account-based selling motion (ABS). ABS workflows create company-wide alignment across sales, marketing, customer success, product, and leadership teams. For customers looking to create these workflows and increase win rates in their most important accounts, try this:

  • Align SDR-AE-CSMs using custom account views. These views help plan and identify which accounts to target, execute, and monitor.
  • Build workflows to support account and persona engagements. For example: new account assignment, target account lists, and territory-based selling.
  • Use account engagement insights to review performance and assess ABS strategies.

Map Outreach to your CRM for better deal management

As a leader, you’re continuously evaluating the impact of your prospecting efforts on pipeline health. A simple yet impactful solution I recommend to customers is syncing opportunities into Outreach.

Once complete, reps and sales leaders can use Outreach opportunity views to sort deals by key health indicators, surfacing insights to help you focus on your most important deals. Use it alongside the prospecting strategy I mentioned above for coaching, pipeline reviews and better deal management.

Use Success Plans to improve close rates by 13%

If you’re like many of my customers, delivering a seamless buyer experience while securing successful deals is a top priority. The key to delivering this experience every time is Success Plans. Success Plans are mutual action plans that deliver operational precision at scale and empower reps by minimizing deal risk, reinforcing your sales methodology, fostering buyer collaboration, and maintaining active engagement with buyers throughout the sale cycle. With insights from Success Plans, reps can focus on their winnable deals and push up win rates by as much as 13%.

While Success Plans are great for conversion rates, they are also a critical component in deal and prospect management. Success Plans are your buying team’s centralized hub for deal information, ensuring alignment on goals, interactions, and requirements and minimizing the need to hunt for details in decks, emails, or spreadsheets.

Scale successful revenue strategies with integrated AI

When things are going well, you’ll want to ride the momentum and scale success across your teams. When things need adjusting, you will need to act quickly and be confident in those decisions. With Outreach’s integrated AI, you can easily scale what’s working and identify what’s not, all while saving you time. Here’s how:

Use Kaia Team Trend Reports for insight into how your team members are conducting calls. With advanced filtering, you can identify top sellers and scale their successful strategies across your team or identify reps that need additional support. 

With Outreach forecasting, you can leverage AI-powered deal management with features such as deal health and forecasting. Use the deal health score to spot at-risk deals and predict deal performance with 81% accuracy and forecasting features that provide real time deal analysis and guidance before the deal closes.

See it in action with a real-time demo

In this video, David shares how he used these features to cut back on 8 hours of meetings per week to allow Outreach’s GTM org to focus on its customers.

The winning combination

When it comes to win rates, Outreach is your one-stop solution. From prospecting and deal management to ongoing optimization, these six Outreach features ensure you can turn deal insights into the actions you need to boost win rates. 

For an in-depth how-to on these features, request a demo.  


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