Unleash 2021 Product Announcements— ‘Game on’ for the future of sales!

Posted May 11, 2021

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While we missed gathering in person in sunny San Diego (back next year!), we sure felt the energy and excitement, as some of the top leaders in B2B sales took the Unleash 2021 virtual stage.

In his opening keynote, Manny Medina, Outreach CEO, reflected on what a transformative year we’ve all had. We collectively reshaped the way we all do sales engagement— and we are in awe of our thousands of customers around the world who used this challenging time as a catalyst to evaluate and improve the way they do business, manage teams and meet their customer needs.

Here at Outreach, we spent this year tuning in to our customers and digging into our data. As the largest and fastest-growing sales engagement provider with billions of sales interactions at our fingertips, our world-class data science team works with petabytes (!) of data to deliver game-changing AI innovations that enable our customers to sell more, faster.

In fact, 40% of our revenue goes right back into R&D to ensure that we continue to solve challenges for sales leaders and teams in innovative ways that shape what’s next for sales engagement. We are proud that 17 of the 24 fastest growing public software companies are now using Outreach to fuel their revenue goals. This week, we announced three new products— Outreach Kaia, Outreach Insights and Outreach Success Plans — that expand the definition of sales engagement further than ever before. By integrating conversation intelligence, buyer sentiment, and buyer engagement into the Outreach platform, we enable sellers and managers across the entire revenue team to exceed customer expectations and accelerate deals.

Watch the keynote below

Unleash Product Announcements

Outreach Insights, rolling out now to all customers

As most sellers know, buyers buy on emotion and justify with facts. So, if you’re relying solely on vanity metrics like click, open and reply rates to guide your sales engagement efforts, you may be following false signals as data shows they are incorrect nearly 50% of the time.

Our data science team trained Outreach machine learning models to analyze petabytes of sales activity data to detect buyer attitudes and signals. This suite of AI-driven reports— called ‘Outreach Insights’ — equip sales leaders with actionable insights into playbooks, people, and processes.

The driving technology behind these reports is Buyer Sentiment Analysis— a first-of-its-kind machine learning capability that classifies buyer emotions and signals to accurately measure sales engagement efforts, so sellers can tune their communications with customers to make them resonate most effectively.

Specifically, Sequence Performance Reports uses Buyer Sentiment Analysis, to help you measure and optimize your sales playbooks; while Team Performance Reports give managers a new daily dashboard to track and coach teams against leading performance indicators, like booked meetings and positive email engagement.

Outreach Insights is generally available and rolling out to all Outreach customers in the coming weeks!

Want to see how Buyer Sentiment data can improve your team's performance? Check it out now!

Outreach Kaia, now available for all customers

Think of having a smart assistant, like an Alexa or Siri, join your customer calls, transcribe your conversations during the call, take notes for you, summarize action items and prompt you with relevant information right in the moment when you need it, not after the fact...all with +90% accuracy in real-time!

Outreach Kaia is an intelligent virtual assistant that brings together real-time sales enablement and advanced AI to make every sales rep more effective, every customer conversation more productive and every coaching opportunity more precise— so you can close deals faster.

Powerful? Yes. Easy to create? No. Our teams invested years of research and development to ensure that Kaia delivers the most accurate real-time transcription available. It’s so sophisticated that Kaia understands the context of each conversation based on your company’s specific vernacular (aka, jargon), industry lingo and even your ‘umm’ing and ahh’ing! Worth it? Absolutely! Our early adopters have seen tremendous value with Kaia already, and now we’re excited to extend this add-on product to all Outreach customers who use Zoom. Kaia can even help you consolidate your sales tech stack — no need for separate tools for conversation intelligence and sales engagement — Outreach helps you do it all within a single, integrated platform.

Introducing Outreach Success Plans

Did you know that more than two thirds of buyers have stopped working with a company mid-deal, simply because the competitor provided a better buying experience? In other words-- the buying experience needs to deliver just as much impact as your product.

Outreach Success Plans provide a new way for buyers and sellers to collaborate via a transparent, joint plan. Success Plans create a hub for all the important information exchanged during a deal cycle. This ensures that no one has to rely on fragmented email threads or outdated spreadsheets to manage complex deals, changing the entire buyer engagement dynamic for the better.

As a sales leader who needs to predict your forecast, what could be more helpful than hearing directly from the customer about where things stand across your deals? With Outreach Success Plans, you can get signals directly from buyers on deal status — giving you unparalleled visibility into pipeline opportunities and risks.

Today we are excited to announce Outreach Success Plans— now available for Outreach customers to sign up for Public Beta! 

Reach out to your AE to get access to the beta program. 

Last year was no easy feat. But innovation tends to shine brightest in the dark, and our customers were no exception— they held 14 million+ customer and prospect meetings, 140 million calls and more than half a billion emails this year! In fact, together we drove more than 7 million sales opportunities, last quarter alone.

While the path to achieve those impressive results was winding, one constant remained — putting customers at the center of everything we do is ‘the power of winning together in a new era.’ And we know that these three new products will drive even MORE impact to your bottomline. Game On!


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