Latest product innovation unveiled at Spring 2021 Outreach Explore

Posted March 24, 2021

Thanks to all of you who attended our second product innovation event Outreach Explore. You were the first to see what's new from the product team at Outreach!

We took a deep dive into how we at Outreach and some of our beta customers are leveraging Outreach Insights and Outreach Kaia to make data-informed decisions and improve our sales performance.

Check out Outreach Explore to watch the full recording of the event and more info on new features, demos, and beta access.

Outreach Insights featuring Buyer Sentiment Analysis

At our Winter explore, we unveiled Outreach Insights— a set of reports that leverages buyer sentiment analysis to understand the emotions behind buyer replies. Outreach users can now see how buyers are responding to messages and align the content accordingly. The Sequence Performance Report drills into how prospects replied to sequences, how many engagements converted into meetings, touches per prospect, and response times.

For managers, the Team Performance report shows how your individual team members are performing and if their conversations are reaching the right prospects at the right time. These diagnostic tools make training and coaching your team easier, so you can share best practices (backed by data!) across your organization.

New teams can sign up to access the Insights beta (through March 31st) on the Peak. Customers already in the Outreach Insights beta should have access to the Team Performance Report by the end of March.

Outreach Kaia

Imagine having an assistant live on meetings that not only transcribes and records the meeting but provides relevant information right then and there for you to show your customers you’re at the top of your sales game. Game changing, right?! That’s Outreach Kaia!

While other solutions provide only post-call analysis, Kaia empowers you to support your team in meetings as they happen. Content Cards serve up the most relevant information as topics come up, creating a better experience for both the rep and the prospect or customer.

Outreach Kaia is now available for current Outreach customers who use Zoom for meetings. Outreach Admins can sign their teams up for the beta program by logging into The Peak.

When generally available, Kaia will be a paid offering on a per seat basis. For customers accepted to the beta program, Kaia will be free for the duration of the official beta program. You will receive more information about pricing before the end of the beta program.


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