Supercharge your sales insights with Outreach + Snowflake Data Sharing

Posted June 21, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake is now generally available. This new feature helps sales teams increase seller efficiency and effectiveness by extracting the raw data created by seller activities and interactions in Outreach for use in Snowflake. By combining Outreach data with information from across the business, companies can gain more sophisticated insights and make more data-driven decisions. 

During our public beta period, customers saw fantastic results. Here are a few: 

  • Leveraged new insights by connecting marketing and sales processes
  • Gained access to data in days, instead of months
  • Saved an average of $25K and 20-30 hours of engineering time 

Leveraged new insights by connecting marketing and sales processes

Many customers began using Data Sharing to better connect and improve activities across a broader span of their sales pipeline. They were facing a number of challenges due to a lack of a single view into marketing and sales activities.

For many, their marketing teams have to “throw work over the wall” to sales teams, with no visibility into what happens once the lead has changed hands. Lacking a unified view of activities made it difficult to catch upstream signs that could impact downstream outcomes. Customers shared they had issues refining top-of-funnel activities to help improve how they would flow down to sales opportunities. 

Outreach Data Sharing provides a connection between sales and marketing data. Customers were able to build richer attribution models and better understand the ROI of their marketing campaigns. They also built whole-picture views of target accounts, tracking every touch and experience of prospects associated with their target opportunities. Outreach Data Sharing gives customers the ability to see how ongoing campaigns shift the sales conversation, increase prospect response rates, and generate more sales pipeline.

Gained access to data in days, instead of months

APIs are extremely helpful for integrating data bi-directionally into two different systems. However, APIs can have performance issues when sharing larger volumes of data and are technically complex to integrate, requiring Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) steps to get data into the appropriate pipeline. Customers found that when swapping their APIs, they saw immediate results in performance and a dramatically simpler way to integrate Outreach data into their pipelines.  

Getting started with Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake requires no ETL, APIs, or engineers. One customer in our beta shared with us that they had been working for over three months using APIs to build the connections required to share sales data with their organization. After connecting Outreach to Snowflake, accessing their data took less than one day.  

Customers noted that using an API approach to access large volumes of data causes performance issues. One customer shared that switching to Data Sharing helped them move from over 1,000 API calls to none. In addition, it provided a timely delivery mechanism for large volumes of data. 

Saved an average of $25K and 20-30 hours of engineering 

Finding the right technical expertise and managing the costs associated with these resources are two of the biggest challenges in gaining access to data. Many teams don’t have the skills to build data pipelines or manage data infrastructure on their own. Customers that participated in the public beta were able to break down these barriers. 

A midsize enterprise beta participant stated, “Data Sharing removes the need to build an ELT pipeline to get the data into Snowflake, saving me probably 20-30 hours of development time.” Time savings for developers was mentioned across several beta customers because it offers a direct connection from Outreach to a customer’s Snowflake instance. Outreach Data Sharing gives access to data without managing complex database objects or pipeline integrations.

In addition to saving engineering time, customers saw significant cost savings related to technical resourcing. Prior to adoption, one beta customer shared that getting engineers to build an API connection to gain access to sales data cost them roughly $25,000 per year. A direct connection from Outreach to Snowflake helped remove the organizational barriers many sales teams face because they do not have a dedicated technical resource on their team to build data integrations. 

Not quantified but noted by many customers was the time savings downstream analysts experienced. Studies have shown that over 80% of an analyst’s time is wasted by the manual tasks of acquiring and cleaning data. During the beta period, analysts we spoke to saved time by accessing clean, organized tables in an easy-to-query format using Snowflake’s SQL-based syntax. 

How are customers using Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake?

In our previous Outreach Data Sharing blog, we delved into deeper detail on what is possible with this capability. Additional opportunities for organizations to advantage of Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake include:

  • Find patterns in closed-won insights. Using Outreach Data Sharing, sales teams can combine Outreach data with other potential indicators, such as the number of days before prospects begin their proof-of-concept, weekly active users in trial accounts, and profiles from ZoomInfo or Crunchbase. Using these inputs there is the ability to identify the most promising opportunities in their sales cycle, closing more deals.
  • Determine sequence effectiveness. Some of our customers took raw data from Outreach and combined it with data from their customer data platform or product analytics in Snowflake. From their Snowflake account, customers drew the output into analytics tooling to gain insights into which customer profiles react well to a sequence. This is done to further focus rep efforts on that profile using targeted campaigns.
  • Tracking activity to value. While we detailed above the benefits customers saw from combining marketing and sales data together, there is also the ability to combine Outreach data with data from ERP systems. Connecting sales execution data with these backend systems can help teams gain a better understanding of the path to realized revenue. 

Get started

From cost savings to improved insights, Outreach customers using Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake see the clear business value. Get started today!

Interested in learning more about the latest capabilities from Outreach? Join us at Unleash October 3-5 in Seattle to supercharge your mindset, toolset, and skillset. Make sure to register now!


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