Outreach+Snowflake: Unlock sales pipeline with data-driven decisions

Posted March 8, 2023

Data plays a critical role in any successful modern revenue organization. However, according to the Rethink Data report, 68% of the data available to businesses goes unleveraged, and up to 82% of enterprises are inhibited by data silos. 

For revenue organizations, that often means reps are manually bringing data together in spreadsheets, or if they have invested in data pipeline integrations, the insights are siloed to a few data scientists and engineers. Either way, its time-intensive, costly, and error prone. This adds more friction for revenue teams to easily access critical insights that can enhance data-driven decisions and unlock sales pipeline. 

Thats why we are excited to announce Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake. With Outreach Data Sharing, sales leaders can optimize their sales strategies by extracting the raw data created by their seller activities and interactions in Outreach. Once combined with other data in Snowflake, revenue teams can gain more sophisticated insights that empower them to make more data-driven decisions. For example, revenue teams can identify which opportunities are more promising through exploratory analyses on opportunities that tend to closed-won based on external inputs. Or, refine sales playbooks by accessing deeper insights into successful or failing sequences. These are just a few examples of what is possible with Outreach Data Sharing. 

Read further to learn more about how Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake helps revenue teams:

  • Optimize sales strategies
  • Reduce time to insights
  • Securely access data through your Snowflake account

Optimize sales strategies 

Traditional sales systems often require manual data entry, but the quality of insights depend on current and complete data. When reps arent updating systems, the data is only as good as the last update. Since Outreach is the system of action that reps work in, analysts can access the raw details on every sales rep activity and their interactions with customers in Outreach. 

By combining this data from Outreach with other data in Snowflake, revenue teams can use the insights to optimize sales strategies by running exploratory, descriptive and predictive analyses that reveal where there are new areas of opportunity and where rep productivity can be enhanced. 

For example, customers can use Outreach Data Sharing to run more exploratory analyses that help summarize and visualize insights by finding patterns in which opportunities tend to closed-won. Outreach activity can be combined with other potential inputs outside of Outreach that could lead to closed-won such as the number of days before customers begin proof of concepts, the weekly active users in trial account, and customer profiles in third-party marketing systems. All this can be combined in Snowflake to identify the most promising opportunities earlier in your sales cycle helping close more deals.  

Additionally, when you bring together the raw data from Outreach, and the data from customer intelligence, customer data platform, or product analytics in your Snowflake account, you can identify new opportunities based on the response rate to sequences for your metrics in specific regions. If you find that a specific set of sequences are doing well in a specific region, by combining Outreach data, customer intelligence data, and product analytics data, you can gain insights on what customer profiles are reacting well to your sequence, and further focus rep efforts on that profile with targeted campaigns for that region. Or conversely, use the insights to archive sequences with diminishing returns. In fact, customers today have been using this example to inform and refine the sales playbooks and focus their efforts on whats working.

Reduce time to insights 

To meet aggressive goals even under macroeconomic headwinds, revenue teams need to access insights quickly to be competitive and react to evolving customer buying behaviors. Critical insights can reveal new opportunities for revenue teams and enhance data-driven decisions, but its only as valuable as when they can access the data and when its last been updated. 

Traditional methods to extract data include exporting and duplicating data or using vendor APIs requiring developers to automate connections. Often that takes months for a team of experienced data engineers to build, and even more time to set up the process for ongoing maintenance. 

Outreach Data Sharing gives large scale, instant access to Outreach data as rich, readable tables that can be queried through Snowflakes SQL-based interface. It makes data easily accessible to analysts and data scientists who need practical access to data without managing complex database objects or pipeline integrations. 

Analysts also save time with clean, organized tables in an easy-to-query format using Snowflakes SQL-based syntax. Additionally, the shared data stays up-to-date via a daily sync, and unlike traditional API-based transfer, improvements can be rolled out without any need to involve engineering to adapt to changes. 

Securely access data through your Snowflake account

While there is significant untapped opportunity for customers that combine Outreach data with other enterprise data, we understand how important it is to continue to meet legal, regulatory and customer contractual obligations. As mentioned earlier, traditional methods often require exporting and duplicating large volumes of data. Anytime you copy and move data, it increases security and data privacy risk.

Without robust and consistent security and data privacy processes and controls in place, this can increase time to insights as well as the risk of not meeting compliance obligations.

Outreach uses Snowflakes secure data sharing technology to ensure no data is copied or transferred between accounts. That means customers using Snowflake can view, join, compute, and query data just as though these tables lived in their own Snowflake account. Additionally, Snowflakes unique services layer and metadata store ensures that data sharing is secure while access is managed for end users - so only the right users can see data.  

Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake is available today!

From cost savings to improved insights, Outreach customers using Outreach Data Sharing with Snowflake see the clear business value. Get started today!

Interested in learning more about the latest capabilities from Outreach? Join us at Unleash October 3-5 in Seattle to supercharge your mindset, toolset, and skillset. Make sure to register now!


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