Bring call intelligence to seller workflows with Kaia for Outreach Voice

Posted July 19, 2022

I keep coming back to a single statistic: 82% of B2B decision makers think sellers are unprepared. Wait, 82%?! That’s a huge number.

Prospecting activities often start with a simple call, but what happens when that call connects? Too often, we’ve only learned from our mistakes after the fact.

When sellers — from XDRs to reps — can’t establish credibility, they can lose hard-won prospects and customers in a nanosecond. New sellers often want to double-check information before making promises to a prospect — but that hesitation conflicts with successfully qualifying opportunities and moving them forward.

These delays may appear like a lack of knowledge, and competitors can use them to insert doubt and damage credibility. When doubt creeps in, trust and interest can erode almost immediately.

With more and more buyer interactions taking place in digital channels, it’s critical that sellers deliver a great customer experience and answer questions in the moment to move leads forward and turn them into opportunities.

And for sales managers, the longer it takes to onboard new sellers, the more stressful the sales manager’s role becomes. With new sellers requiring several months to be competent, every single day counts. The more hand holding required can reduce confidence on the part of the sales manager, the prospects, and the customers. And, with today’s competitive sales roles, a seller’s first 90 days in seat can be the riskiest — this is exactly where managers need to provide hyper care and set sellers up for success.

So, how do we accomplish this?

It’s all about bringing together previously disparate processes – onboarding, real-time enablement, and conversation intelligence – to guide sellers to success on every single call.

That’s where Kaia for Outreach Voice comes in.

Kaia, our AI-driven virtual assistant, can now join your Outreach Voice calls, capturing real-time transcription and automating post-call notes. Kaia for Outreach Voice makes it possible to capture objections, including budget constraints, changing criteria and cost/price requirements, and guides your sellers with appropriate objection handling during the live call.

With the integration of Kaia’s real-time capabilities in Outreach Voice, prospect and customer call intelligence is now unified in a single workflow, providing visibility into critical call details you may have missed before.

Providing a consolidated dialer and workspace experience is key to the Outreach platform. With Outreach Voice as a native dialer, your teams won’t waste time switching systems and losing focus on the customer.

Onboard sellers 4x faster

Kaia enables BDRs and sellers in real-time on what they need to know, when they need to know it. We’ve moved beyond the old-school approach — requiring memory and mastery of every detail of solutions, messaging, competition and pricing before sellers can ever have an effective call. With Kaia, your sales enablement focuses on key messages to turn prospects into customers. Sellers use real-time AI guidance to answer detailed questions in live meetings and calls when buyers expect an immediate response.

  • Rather than giving a rep a slide in a training, give them a talk track in a call.
  • Rather than sending out a price sheet, give your sellers pricing on demand.
  • Rather than sharing new positioning with each individual team and seller, build AI-driven content that shares critical answers during the meeting.

Increase seller productivity by 30%

Kaia steps in as an AI-enabled assistant, transcribing the entire call while capturing key meeting moments, action items, and behaviors during the meeting to help win every moment, in the moment — allowing sellers to deliver a better customer experience.

With Kaia, the black box is open, so managers can view key aspects of the meeting and add notes that support sellers in real-time and coach in the moment.

Kaia enables fast follow-up with meeting summaries delivered directly following calls and removes non-selling tasks. We all know that building good relationships requires listening more than talking, and we solve that problem too — with real-time talk analytics, so sellers can adjust their interactions accordingly and drive better buyer engagement and experience.

  • Track key moments with live transcription, notes, and bookmarks to keep sellers focused on the prospect, not on taking notes
  • Prompt sellers to self-correct when they make be talking more than listening
  • Expedite follow-up with tracked action items and post-call meeting summaries

Turn data into deals

Rather than inconsistent 1:1 coaching, enable your managers to scale their coaching to all sellers, in all calls. Kaia provides managers access to meetings they are missing in order to give person-to-person feedback after the fact. Sharing feedback on meetings in one click allows directly referenceable coachable moments based on real events.

With quick access to action items, call snippets, and searchability across all calls and meetings, you can mitigate earlier risk — keeping calls on track. Outreach also puts AI to work for you by delivering trends, saved searches, and daily notification updates directly to your inbox saving massive amounts of time searching transcript by transcript to make sure sellers are delivering the right message, qualifying and moving opportunities forward. Call recordings and saved searches also provide the perfect opportunity to share winning calls across the team.

  • Spot key signals with comprehensive search across both voice and video
  • View actionable meeting summaries in your inbox immediately following your calls
  • Get automatic notification on key topics of interest and trends

The combination of Kaia with Outreach Voice offers your sellers a way to seamlessly change the way they prospect and sell — in a single platform. It’s time to reverse the trend and set your sellers up for success from the first call.

New to Kaia? Request a demo to learn how all of your reps can perform like your best reps.


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