Ramp sales reps 4x faster with Kaia

Posted January 20, 2022

Today’s workforce is not your same workforce from 20 years ago.

Sales managers and leaders are facing a highly competitive hiring market where employee onboarding, engagement, and growth are more important than ever to retain talent.

So how do you keep up?

Here we will cover how Kaia helps you: 

  • Onboard reps 4x faster with AI guidance
  • Boost employee engagement with real-time enablement
  • Quickly and effectively scale your sales team

Onboard reps 4x faster with AI guidance

There are two factors that go into rep onboarding — the time managers need to put into quality training, and the effort it takes reps to feel confident in their jobs. Both face challenges:

1. Sales managers are stretched thin and forced to make hard choices on how to spend their time.

Managers have to simultaneously oversee an ongoing book of business, onboard new reps, and ensure existing reps and teams are current on training.

2. Account executives find it incredibly challenging to stay current on new offerings, products, competitors, and messaging.

AEs struggle to establish credibility with their prospects and customers without a sufficient level of knowledge on the product and messaging. Looking inexperienced or unprepared in front of a customer erodes trust when they need it most.

An ineffective onboarding process with challenges like these can have lasting consequences.

1 in 10 employees have left a company because of a poor onboarding experience and 37% of employees said their manager did not play a critical role in the onboarding experience, according to a survey conducted by Careerbuilder and Silkroad Technology. The results of a poor onboarding experience increases employee turnover and productivity loss.

The traditional approach to onboarding is time consuming— requiring memorization and mastery of every detail of solutions, messaging, competition and pricing before reps can ever have an effective sales call.

Kaia helps you eliminate the extra time needed for managers to train new reps, and for reps to become masters, by providing the right information when reps need it most.

With Kaia, your sales enablement team focuses on your company’s core story by creating content cards with the latest messaging. With the help of AI, the content cards automatically pop up during live meetings when customers expect an immediate response. This way, reps will always feel confident and prepared going into a call. 

Sales enablement teams use Kaia’s content cards feature to:

  • Give reps a talk track to use during the call instead of giving them a slide in a training
  • Give reps pricing on demand instead of sending out a price sheet
  • Give reps AI-driven content that shares critical answers during the meeting instead of sharing new positioning with each individual rep

Boost employee engagement with real-time enablement

According to a 2022 Employee Experience Trend Report from Qualtrics, there is a vast difference in engagement rates between employees based on the tech they use. The engagement rate among people who have productivity-enabling tech is an astounding 91%, whereas the engagement rate among people who do not have productivity-enabling tech plummets to 24%.

Your reps want to be more productive, too.

One of the biggest challenges that sales managers face is minimizing non-selling tasks for reps. This can be solved with real-time enablement that keeps reps in the field. With Kaia, existing reps stay current on product features, launches, competitors, and messaging relevant to their active deals — without needing dedicated enablement sessions. Managers and reps both finally have the right information they need, in the right moment, so they can spend more time with customers.


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