More powerful workflows with new account and prospect views and intent data

Posted July 22, 2020

With the state of sales today, teams need to pivot strategies quickly and need their technologies to be as nimble and dynamic as their business needs.

Part of adapting to the new state of sales is transitioning to account-based sales (ABS). With buyer needs rapidly changing and priorities shifting during this time, many sales orgs have adopted ABS because it has the highest ROI of all go-to-market strategies and its positive impact on ACV, LTV, and win rates.

It’s no mistake that Outreach is the only sales engagement platform that enables customers to truly orchestrate account-based strategies across the customer lifecycle — from marketing, to sales, and customer success. We have used our own best-in-class workflows to execute our own ABM and ABS strategies to fuel Outreach’s growth and success, and today, we are proud to announce that we made these ABS workflows even more powerful.

Introducing New Account and Prospect Views

We have completely redesigned the Prospect and Account Views to simplify prospect list creation, removing extra clicks and steps, while adding new functionality to make your workflows even more powerful in Outreach. We’ve enhanced navigation and added advanced filtering to accelerate rep workflows, reduce rep ramp time, and make your ABS strategies more actionable than ever before.

Enhanced Navigation and Intuitive User Experience

According to TOPO, the biggest challenges sales organizations face in successfully executing account-based strategies is finding a scalable approach across a broad account list. Outreach gives sales teams a leg up by greatly simplifying where and how to find account and prospect info in the platform, and how to act on it.

Some of the new navigation enhancements include:

  • Infinite Scrolling: Scroll through your entire account and prospect list and records
  • Dynamic Views: Take the same great experience wherever you go, on whatever device
  • New Column Headers: Additional headers help orient your views across the screen
  • New Bulk Action Buttons: Drop your prospects and accounts into Sequence quicker than ever with more bulk action options

Advanced Filtering and Sorting Functionality

In addition to a more intuitive experience, we have also added greater filtering and sorting options on your prospects and accounts. These new capabilities make it easier than ever to create more dynamic prospect lists that are always up to date and ready for reps to take action on - without having to do it in your CRM.

Some of the new functionalities include:

  • Advanced Filtering by account, custom field, owner, persona, stage, buyer intent score, and tags
  • Granular Filtering by operators: i.e. contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, etc. and save for future access
  • Search by Keyword: i.e. Prospect Name, Title, Company Name, Account Name, Prospect Tags, Stage Name and more
  • Advanced Sorting: last contacted, last engaged, last updated, last created, engagement, first name, last name, title and more
  • Colleague Views: Quickly access a colleague’s views, set them as default, or make your own version of the view
  • Overwrite and Save Existing Views: Add additional filters to existing views and save as new, or overwrite the existing view entirely

Combined, the new Account and Prospect Views accelerate rep workflows, reduce rep ramp time, and make your ABS strategies more actionable than ever before.

Powering High Value Accounts with Buyer Intent

We know that part of the challenge in executing a strong account-based approach is identifying the right accounts. To better help reps identify high-value accounts, we are excited to announce new fields for Buyer Intent Scoring, allowing reps to seamlessly integrate customer data into their selling workflows.

Now, reps can use intent data from their preferred provider and maximize their time on the right accounts with the right information, all within Outreach.

And not just any data--proven and actionable data. Today, we are excited to announce that Bombora, 6Sense, and G2 have joined the Outreach Galaxy. By integrating intent score data, reps can now:

  • Identify accounts that are researching topics related to your products and services
  • Sort and prioritize accounts by deals most likely to close
  • Increase conversion rates with top accounts
  • Work tasks created automatically to engage top accounts
  • Maximize ABM lead conversion rates
  • Close the loop on intent data effectiveness down-funnel

See how you can make your ABS workflows even more powerful with new Buyer Intent fields in Outreach.


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