Winning outbound sales techniques

Posted July 18, 2017

Nothing gets done properly without proper planning. Looking for winning outbound sales techniques means choosing the best tools that are tailored made to your company and target market. Here's a few starting points that should help you on your way.

Have a few different threads you can pull

It's always important to have prospects that are likely to convert, but finding them is one of the tricks to a winning sales strategy. It's very important to remember you need to be able to have several contacts to mine from the same organization wherever possible. Having one contact per company won't cover you if that person decides to leave right in the middle of your sales cycle.

Having excellent sales numbers is all about making sure that you keep everything on track with more than one name so you can move between them wherever necessary.

Work On Credibility

Today, having the credibility to make a difference for your sales team means having members who are innovative and flexible. These days you can't avoid social media to build your credibility and reputation regardless of your target market. Delivering the kind of value-added information that will place you as a thought leader can only increase your profit margin through rising sales.

This is one area where salespeople who are really interested in winning outbound sales techniques can excel. A quick overview of any social media channels can give you a wealth of information about your target organization's industry. It's a quick and cheap way to do the kind of research that will make a big difference.

Knowing What Matters

One of the biggest ways to leverage any kind of prospect is to understand what's important to them. It's essential to keep in mind here prospects have the same social media channels you do at their disposal. That means that they will be able to spot an insincere pitch quickly. Today's consumer is well prepared before they buy anything with peer-reviews and a variety of other data points they can draw on.

In today's marketplace it's not just about how good your product is, but what solutions it can provide to an online demographic.

The day of the hard-sell has long passed and you'll need to have a more personable approach for any winning outbound sales techniques to work. Why not request a demo today so we can show you how our sales engagement platform can tie everything together?


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