How Solv Health uses Outreach to onboard during COVID-19

Posted May 12, 2020

When COVID-19 began spreading across the United States, emergency rooms and hospitals were overwhelmed with people seeking testing and support.

Treating the novel coronavirus required a novel approach. One that could adapt to newly available information and facilitate flattening the curve of new cases by practicing social distancing and sheltering-in-place.

Despite wave after wave of new cases, new information, and health guidelines, Solv stayed moored to their mission: simplifying consumers' day-to-day healthcare needs. As COVID-19 cases grew across the country, Solv gathered a team of people to figure out how to respond. Lauren Kishpaugh, Business Marketing Lead at Solv and Outreach power user, said, “We decided to move forward with a handful of initiatives to protect our customers--healthcare providers--as well as the 1.7M patients who use our app to find care every month. We optimized for public health, not revenue and hoped that one day, after COVID-19, those 2 things could align.”

Solv decided to extend free access to a lightweight version of their video telemed product so medical providers could treat people at home and keep COVID-19 out of the ER and walk-in-clinics.

To support demand, the Solv team decided to automate nearly all of their onboarding and enablement processes by using Outreach.

“After announcing free access to our telemedicine product to the world, we had incredible demand. We onboarded hundreds of groups on Solv Video Telemed within 7 days, and much more since then--all onboarded and managed by only 1 Solv employee,” Lauren said.

Solv has continued to support their customers and consumers since by facilitating hundreds of thousands of video visits for clients.

Perhaps most importantly, the doctors providing care through Solv have an average of 4.9 star satisfaction rating from patients.

As providers and patients continue to shelter in place, Solv is investing resources into supporting multi-specialty providers with their Video Telemed solution, including primary care and pediatrics. With more than 1.7M consumers coming to Solv seeking care, the company continues to focus on the success and outcomes of these populations by continuing to connect them with exceptional providers whenever and wherever they are.


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