Administrators can now configure the SFDC sync to send data through actor's connection

Posted July 22, 2016


Today, we’re excited to announce that we have made our Salesforce sync even more powerful, yet again.

Over two years ago we built out the first truly bi-directional sync with Salesforce to help organizations execute their sales activities, and ensure all the record updates on leads and contacts can be exchanged in either direction, instantaneously, all in addition to the activities we post to Salesforce.

As a system that has a significant amount of automation, some of the data generated in our system is the result of direct user action, and some if it is a result of intelligent record updates based on what happens in sequences, and more.

To ensure all this data makes it consistently and reliably to Salesforce, we originally built out our data sync to leverage a master OAuth connection, sending all data into and out of Salesforce through one Salesforce user seat.

As of today, we now have a new option available to organizations in our Early Adopter program to display all Salesforce connections, and control through which connections the record updates get transmitted.

The Demo

With the new user-level data transfer enabled, there is a new section enabled that shows all the user OAuth connections between Outreach and Salesforce.

There is also a control to determine through which authenticated connections your record creations and updates go through from Outreach to Salesforce. You can control whether all updates go through the default connection, or if they go up through an actor's connection.

The concept of "Actor" references a user who we can reasonably determine is responsible for an action, such as sending an email, or making a record update.

When a sequence changes a prospect stage based on a ruleset, we will try to determine the actor responsible for the record update based on who is doing the sequencing of the prospect, and use that user's data connection if it's set to do so.

Additional Information

Remember that when a record update goes up to Salesforce through a user's connection, it will look the same as if that user had manually made the update from within Salesforce.

This means that it's more challenging to audit record creation and updates to determine whether Outreach was involved, which is why this new configuration option within the Salesforce connection is only recommended for organizations who have very particular needs which require it.

As a last note, this configuration will only affect one way of the sync, covering the Outreach to Salesforce leg of the bi-directional data transfer, and the polling of Salesforce records will still be done through the master connection.


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