Sales email automation ideas that work

Posted August 22, 2017

Email marketing is as important to e-commerce and online retailers as television and radio was to the corner brick-and-mortar store of yesteryear. Research tells us that over half of the people in the world will have an email account. That's big news for those looking to make sales email automation work for them.

There are even statistics that point to the fact that the average return for every dollar spent on email marketing is over $40 dollars.

Fair enough you might say, but what are some of the best practices involved? Here's a few ideas that you can use that lead to email success and higher sales.

Leaving Carts Behind

At least one part of every sales email automation strategy needs to deal with the fact that many consumers fill their carts up electronically and leave them behind at the checkout. A research company in UK even goes so far as to say that a whopping 67% of carts are abandoned that way.

Here's a helpful tip for putting together some emails that will work and bring customers back to their items at your checkout. Customizing and strategizing are two cornerstones to tailored emails that make all the difference. If you can add something to the email like pictures of the products and services they left behind, you might very well be able to jog prospect's emotions and bring them back to finalize the sale.

If none of that works, remember everyone loves free shipping and include that. If you're wondering what to do about building a sequence, here's a few pointers to make sure you get the best email reminder that blends in seamlessly with your sales email automation template.

  • Staying in touch with popular culture and appearing down to earth are great ways to get clients to come back to their shopping cart. Memes have been used either comically or to tug at your client's heartstrings.
  • Simple is sometimes better. Some of these emails do well with just text in a simple message to remind your client they left something behind. Having a picture of a cute puppy or the actual products that are still in the cart isn't always necessary and it can be more expensive.

Here's a final word on what you should do as far as sales email automation ideas that work. It's important to remember that over 70% of consumers appreciate a welcome email when they subscribe to your goods and services. This is a great way to set yourself up for future purchases and a longer relationship.


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