Now live: Amplify out of office return date extraction

Posted June 19, 2019

Vacations and time away from work are great, but for sales reps, out of office (OOO) replies have historically required a gauntlet of manual workarounds to pause and resume the Sequence based on the prospect’s availability. And with as many as 18% of emails being OOO replies, that’s nearly one-fifth of a rep’s time bound to administrative organization rather than selling.

But the time for better is now. Today we’re proud to announce the launch of Outreach Amplify Out of Office Return Date Extraction.

Available for both Gmail and Outlook users, Amplify OOO Return Date extraction allows reps to act on each prospect’s listed return date at a greater speed and scale, ushering in a new level of personalization to sales.

Using machine learning to detect OOO replies, Amplify automatically extract the prospect’s return date, allowing you to pause and resume the sequence when it’s most convenient for your prospects and stay focused on what matters--creating more engagement with less effort.

With as many as 80% of OOO messages listing a specific return date, reps are now able to act on this information at a greater speed and scale, ushering in a new level of personalization to sales.

Reps no longer need to worry about relying on a ruleset to resume a sequence, which ran the risk of resuming the Sequence too early and hitting the prospect while they’re still out of office. In fact, our internal Data Science team found that relying on a ruleset led to nearly 16% of Sequences being resumed too early, and if the prospect was OOO longer than two weeks, this increased to almost 60%. According to the data from 384k emails, our internal research showed that if a second message was sent after receiving the prospect’s first OOO response, a rep’s likelihood of booking a meeting would drop 46%.

With OOO replies encompassing everything from vacations to multi-month parental leave policies, Amplify OOO Return Date extraction allows reps to leverage machine learning to tailor sequences to create a great buyer experience and engage with your prospects smarter.

Set your team up for success with Amplify OOO Return Date extraction. Read our support article and contact your CSM to get set up today.


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