Introducing the new Outreach Voice suite: built for meaningful conversations, not just dialing

Posted August 22, 2018

Conversation intelligence tiles and back-to-back sequencing help you increase connect rates and focus on having winning conversations.

Isn’t it amazing when you call a prospect and they just pick up the phone and chat? Moments like that are about as rare and spectacular as seeing the Northern Lights: something to cherish when it happens, but not something you can really count on most of the time.

Today, so many sales teams think about their dialer as a standalone solution. However, with cold call connect rates hovering at an abysmal 9%, you need to have much more to your sales strategy than just smiling and dialing or you’ll be left in the dust.

That’s why we’re taking a more holistic approach to voice than a traditional sales dialer. We believe the magic number your team should strive for doesn’t revolve around the number of dials made, but rather the number of conversations had. And that’s why we’re revamping our voice solution to focus on setting your team up to have more successful conversations, as seamlessly as possible.

Introducing the New Outreach Voice Suite

Today, we’re excited to unveil the newly enhanced Outreach Voice Suite. We’re introducing several key upgrades to make Outreach Voice the simplest, most reliable, and most powerful voice suite on the market. Our mission is to provide your with team not just a calling tool, but a holistic solution that increases connect rates and sets your team up to have winning conversations -- before, during, and after calls are made.

To accomplish this, we’re bringing your team two new capabilities to enhance the power of your Outreach Voice dialer: conversation intelligence and back-to-back sequence steps.

Conversation Intelligence: The insights you need to make your next call more meaningful

It’s important to have a voice solution that sets you up for successful calls, but it’s just as critical to have the tools at your fingertips to understand what differentiates a successful conversation from a flop. That’s why we’re partnering with the four leading conversation intelligence platforms to bring the insights you need to make your next call more meaningful right into Outreach.

We firmly believe that all of the critical actions you take throughout the workday -- calling,  emailing, booking meetings, and more -- should be natively built into Outreach to ensure every element works together cohesively and you’re never interrupted mid-task. But conversational intelligence requires deep expertise and years of development and data analysis to get right. To provide you with the best-in-class coaching tools you need, we knew it was time to call in the best players in the space for support.

We’ve worked with the market leaders, Avoma,, ExecVision, and Gong, to build native integrations with Outreach’s Sales Intelligence Tiles so you have access to your conversation intelligence data right where you need it -- where you’re actually making calls!

In addition to seamlessly integrating their platforms into Sales Intelligence Tiles, our partners will also provide our mutual customers with exclusive deals to help you get more value out of our joint solutions without bending your budget.

  • Avoma, whose tile integration will be available this fall, will offer an integration for Outreach Voice call recordings free of charge for 12 months. This offer is for new Avoma customers who sign up before October 31, 2018*.
  •, whose tile integration is now live, will provide a full year of " for Outreach Voice" free of charge. This offer is for new customers who sign up before October 31,2018*.
  • ExecVision, whose tile integration will be available later this year, will offer a free 30 day trial for any Outreach customer*.
  • Gong, whose tile integration will be available in September, will analyze 90 days worth of Outreach Voice recordings so you can identify exactly what your best reps do differently than everyone else, free of charge. This offer is valid to those who request the analysis before October 31, 2018*.

We’re excited to bring these best-in-class integrations into Outreach throughout the rest of the year to ensure you always have the right coaching and analytics tools at your fingertips. Combined with Sales Intelligence Tiles, Outreach Voice ensures that you’re set up not only to have a successful call, but a successful conversation. Contact your customer success manager to learn more about conversation intelligence integrations, or reach out to your preferred platform directly.

*Qualifications apply; please contact conversation intelligence partners for more details.

Back-to-back sequence steps: Increase connect rates with “double taps”

While the goal for sales teams is to get prospects on the phone for a conversation, it ironically is not as simple as just dialing the phone. That’s why we built sequences to give you a multichannel approach to reaching your prospects and customers. And today we have a new way to level up the way you reach out to your contacts and increase your chances of connecting: Back-to-back sequence steps.

With back-to-back sequence steps, you can immediately follow up a call (or an email, social action, or text) with another touch point. For instance, if you call someone and they don’t pick up, you can instantly fire off a text or an email letting them know you tried to reach out and missed them. One large technology customer increased their call connect rates by 30% by following up missed calls with text messages.

To be successful, you need to use every tool at your disposal to get in touch with customers and have more meaningful conversations with them. With back-to-back sequencing, you can now reach prospects faster and more seamlessly than ever before to get more people on the phone with you and continue those conversations even after you hang up. This capability is available in Outreach today, and you can learn more about setting it up in our knowledge base.

We’re releasing these three new capabilities to help you approach calling more strategically -- both in the way you reach out to prospects to get them on the phone, and how to set your team up for better conversations once they’re on the phone. But we also have one more exciting update to make Outreach Voice even easier to use for your whole team.

Today, we’re also introducing new Voice usage pricing for new customers: tiered packages with flat rate pricing to provide better predictability in the price you’ll pay for the calls your team makes. We want Outreach Voice to be simple for everyone on your team to use, from your reps calling on the front lines to your finance team. Reach out to your customer success manager or the Outreach support team for more details.

We’re excited to bring you an all new, enhanced Outreach Voice, so your teams can stop worrying about getting customers on the phone and start focusing on the conversations that help you win. These releases make Outreach the most complete and robust communication suite, combining all touchpoints to increase your chances of getting customers on the phone for a conversation and giving you the coaching tools and intelligence you need to make every conversation better than the last.

Ready to try these new Outreach Voice capabilities? Reach out to your customer success manager for more information.


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