Introducing day of the week variables

Posted October 18, 2016

Deadlines are approaching and you’re trying to get that last deal across the line. Attempts to reach out to your leads so far has proven challenging -- they won’t get back to you with a time they can meet! After one, two, three, attempts to get in contact, you’re starting to feel the heat.

It’s time to put your foot down and get these meetings on the calendar. But how can you get your leads to book time with you without spending hours on follow-up? Going back-and-forth takes too long and as a result, leads get left behind. It hurts to imagine how much of the pipeline is lost in the chaos!

Our own sales team feels this pressure. That’s why we want to create a platform that helps you book demos, schedule calls, and quickly close deals.

Take advantage of our new “day-of-the-week” variables to suggest specific days to meet, no matter whether your email is sent on Monday, Friday, or even over the weekend.

Today's video highlights the options available with our new variables, and you can check out our support article for best practices and specific examples showing how our own team uses day-of-the-week variables to set up demos and request follow-up calls.


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