Outreach + Engagio connects your account-based sales and marketing campaigns

Posted September 19, 2017

Account-based sales and marketing programs aren’t in sync. We're partnering with Engagio to change that.

We’re excited to announce a ground-breaking, exclusive partnership with Engagio, the leading marketing orchestration solution, to bring to market the first-ever cohesive, account-based sales and marketing solution. This joint solution aligns sales and marketing to reach every stakeholder in an account in a targeted personalized way, resulting in higher engagement and more conversions.

More conversions- Yes, please!

Traditionally, sales and marketing have operated like two ships passing in the night, connecting only as one blindly hands off leads to the other. While sales teams have been taking an account-based approach for decades, many marketing teams have leveraged a demand generation strategy that is volume based and often results in lower value deals. When sales and marketing teams don’t share the same strategy, your funnel is about as efficient and effective as fifty person conference call with a bad wifi connection.

According to research and advisory firm TOPO, account-based programs yield a 75 percent increase in total annual sales volume (ACV) and a 150 percent increase in lifetime-value (LTV).

It’s time we all get on the same page so our customers have a better buying journey and our marketing dollars go further. The joint Outreach and Engagio solution provides an all-encompassing account-based approach that puts both sales and marketing on the same page, working together to orchestrate personalized programs at scale. Our joint solution will be available later this fall.

"A joint solution of this nature simply hasn't been historically feasible. But given the rapid speed of innovation at both Outreach and Engagio, the massive market momentum of both companies and our open API that allows partners like Engagio to rapidly extend the Outreach platform and deliver immediate value to customers, it's finally a reality," said our CEO, Manny Medina. "In today's rapidly evolving technology-driven landscape, we don't see a future in which sales and marketing are not aligned, even part of the same team. This exclusive partnership is just the beginning. We expect that in a few years time, no company will go to market without an account based sales and marketing strategy."

"I originally embraced the Account Based Marketing movement because the best results are proven to be driven by the ability to orchestrate personal, human connections at scale," said Jon Miller, CEO and Founder of Engagio. "For a company to be truly successful, though, an account-based approach must be embraced across the organization—sales and marketing departments need to collaborate more effectively in aligning outbound efforts. The marriage of Engagio and Outreach delivers this and unlocks exciting new opportunities for coordinated cross-departmental plays. The result industry-wide will be a game changer."

Stay tuned for more information about this partnership. To learn more about our partnerships and product integrations, check out our Marketplace for more integrations.


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