Introducing bulk modify for prospects and accounts

Posted August 18, 2016

The process of manually editing fields on a large number of Prospects or Accounts can be difficult and a waste of time. Today, we're adding one more way to manage prospects and accounts at scale, simplifying your workflow so you can focus on what's important - closing deals. You now have the ability to update a field across any number of prospects or accounts. Whether you're changing ownership, modifying data, or applying a custom field to many prospects, this enhancement will greatly ease the process for you. Here are a few powerful examples of how you can leverage this new capability:

  • Update Custom Fields to Activate Triggers. In one action, modify custom fields to any number of Prospects or Accounts to activate your existing Triggers. This allows you to instantly apply the Trigger's workflow rules.
  • Set Time Zones. Search prospects by city or state to assign the appropriate time zone so your emails are sent based on your prospects' location.
  • Ownership. Quickly assign an owner to specific accounts or a list of prospects to set up your engagement strategy.

How It Works

Bulk Modify is available from the list view in either the Prospects or Accounts sections. Simply check the items from the list you wish to edit and select the pencil icon from the toolbar. A popup will appear and allow you to bulk modify each of the prospects or accounts you have selected. Finish modifying the fields by selecting the "update" button. For example, you have a Trigger that adds prospects to a sequence based on a custom field value. Let me show you how you'd quickly add that custom field to your prospects to activate the trigger:

Additional Information

Please note: we've consolidated all options to edit a Prospect or Account into a single place, so there are no longer multiple options from the toolbar. You also have the ability to modify all Prospects within an Account be selecting a specific Account.


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