Announcing the LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Outreach Texting Task Types

Posted September 12, 2018

Connect with buyers, on channels they find most effective

In today’s market, connecting and communicating with buyers is getting more and more challenging for sales reps. Buyers are more educated, have higher expectations and are in complete control — more than ever before.  According to an Accenture study, 94% of B2B buyers conduct online research prior to or during the buying process. More importantly, they can consume the information at anytime, anywhere and anyway they want — mobile, webinars, social, emails, podcasts, websites, etc.

As a sales rep that makes your job more difficult. You’re in a position to learn new ways to adapt to buyers’ expectations, become more educated about their businesses and specific problems, and connect with them through channels they prefer and find most effective! Studies show texting and LinkedIn InMails are  key channels for certain relationship statuses and personas, where Texting has 98% open rate with less than 5 minutes of response time and LinkedIn InMail has a 15% response rate versus email at 3%. 

Know which channels drive the best engagement

Introducing the new LinkedIn Sales Navigator task types and Texting task type for Outreach, built from the ground up to facilitate reps during critical moments in the buying process. The new task types allow reps to perform and execute one-off tasks or add them to a sequence, while tracking and reporting all activity in Outreach and Salesforce.

The new LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration with Outreach has changed the game of prospecting by saving reps time switching between platforms while making conversations more personal. Reps can now choose from five different Sales Navigator tasks: Send InMail or a Connection Request with custom templates from Outreach, Interact with a Post, Comment on a Post, or Other;  add the task to a sequence, and easily execute on it — without ever leaving the Taskflow Pane in Outreach.

The new Texting task types allow reps to ditch their personal phones and send custom text messages from Outreach —  at scale. Reps can now create Texting tasks with custom templates such as meeting reminders or notifying prospects that a contract is in their inbox, queue it up in a sequence and send it out — right from the Taskflow Pane. *Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to sign up for the beta waiting list.

Our early adopters are already reaching buyers more efficiently- Adam Clark, Business Development Analyst at REPAY

“The LinkedIn task types are fantastic. The seamless Sales Navigator integration allows my teams to remain in Outreach and complete items they previously had to navigate away for. It helps them stay focused and efficient in their execution!”

Outreach, at its core, is the platform that helps customer-facing teams more easily execute winning strategies. We strive to design and build features that enable reps to connect with buyers and take relationships to the next level, while giving them the insights they need to pinpoint which channels are most effective, for different personas, during critical moments throughout the buyer journey!

For more information check out our LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration to watch a product demo video and read our support articles.


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