Outreach for call recording

Make every call count

    Outreach’s conversation Intelligence is powered by Kaia™, an AI-powered virtual assistant that joins and records live meetings, captures real-time transcription, and delivers on-demand confidence.

    With Outreach, new reps ramp up faster, sellers run more productive meetings, and managers can tap into the details and trends across all conversations.

    Our reps used to spend way too much time listening to an entire call just to make sure that they captured action items, challenges, and other key information. Kaia has really enabled them to do that in at least half the time, if not less, and gives them back several hours a week.

    Veronica Matini

    Sales Manager

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    Over 6,000 global customers trust Outreach

    What is Outreach?

    See how sales teams close more deals with Outreach

    We’re so much more than just call recording. Outreach is the only company to offer all the capabilities sales teams need — sales engagement, conversation intelligence, deal management, forecasting, and more — in a single platform.

    More pipeline. More wins.

    In their first two years of using Outreach, the average customer increases their ability to book initial meetings by 38%

    Unlock seller productivity

    Outreach Kaia boosts rep productivity by 30% by automating tedious note taking and sales tasks before, during, and after meetings.